Thursday, July 23, 2009

Anniversary Update: You stuck what where?

It was awesome little dudes.

Yesterday was our ninth or tenth anniversary, depending upon which country we are in. See, to get her visa into China I had to say we were married. So all of the paperwork in China says that we were married 10 years ago. However, we officially got married nine years ago in America.

I went to a great deal of trouble to make sure that I didn't have to work last night and booked somebody to sit for the kid.

I even walked in the door with a dozen roses. She seemed to like them, good sign.

When the sitter arrived we hot tailed it to PF Chang's for dinner before the movie. Had a few drinks and dinner- it was great. Here things loosened up nicely and the evening was off to a great start- with which I was well pleased.

Then we walked over to the theatre to see the Hangover. It was awesomely hilarious, I highly recommend it. We also had a couple of beers in the theatre.

Upon walking to back to the car, we snuck around between buildings to make out while hiding from the security guard.

We went home, I took the sitter home (no, I didn't bust a move on her- she's our oldest daughters 15 year old best friend. That's just sick. Also, never fuck the help. They stop helping.)

Then the games began. To make a long, two straight hours of fucking, story short, well, I'm not going to tell you exactly what we did for two hours- but here is a materials list:
What tools do you need for a glorious anniversary?
Two ropes, one gag, one blindfold, and two dildos.

Also, important discovery: I do not like things stuck in my ass. Not at all. It's official.

Oddly enough, I woke up today with no hangover whatsoever and I have a very good idea of what took place last night. This will go down as a great anniversary with a great deal of sexual experimentation. It was awesome.

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