Saturday, May 2, 2009

I'm Drunk

This may shock you. I'm drunk.
Also, I like to play the movie quote game. Fuck you, it's my thing. So here is the quote of the day:

Jay: Do they say who's fuckin' playing us in the movie?

Holden: No, but it's Miramax. So I'm sure it'll be Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. They put those guys in a bunch of movies.

Jay: Who?

Holden: You know, those kids from Good Will Hunting?

Jay: You mean that fuckin' movie with Mork from Ork in it?

Holden: Yeah, I wasn't a big fan either... but Affleck was the bomb in "Phantoms".

Jay: Word, bitch, Phantoms like a mallfucker.

Name that film. Since it seems from a recent twitter conversation that I am growing a mustache for mustache rides I will consider you if you are a mega hot babe with huge hoo haas. And if I get around to growing that mustache.

Hey, so, I'm going to get a tattoo. It's going to be a Chinese dragon. I'm thinking of somehow combining a Chinese Dragon and a tribal design. Still ironing out the details. Any ideas? It'll go on my left shoulder. The significance is that first, I really fucked up my left shoulder in a tragic threesome accident. Okay, not really. Actually it was wrestling in middle school. But to make a long story short I came back from that injury and won state in my class. Fuck you naysayers (there were plenty.)

Next, the body of the dragon represents spiritual growth and ascension. There's more- but I don't really feel like writing about it right now. I'll let you know when I've found the right thing.

1 comment:

  1. It's from Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. I shamefully admit to liking some of the gags in it. When I settle on my tattoo I will post it!
