Saturday, April 4, 2009

Jesus Fucking Christ

I guess I shouldn't say that in front of the kids. But this blog is not about what I say in front of the kids, now is it. This blog is about my unedited thoughts, feelings, and random musings. So FUCK FUCKITY FUCK FUCK FUCK. I'm just sayin'.

I overheard somebody at the store tell somebody else to not use the Lord's name in vain the other day at the store. This has been brewing around in my greasy little brain for a few days now. I'm drinking a cappuccino. That was unrelated.

Back to this Lord's name in vain thing. The universe is. It is like a giant sea with inumerable variables and possibilities. It is also completely logical, but there are so many variables in the equation it is impossible to completely predict everything. Harsh, unforgiving, but logical. Given this concept I don't think that the universe cares what I say. I can use the lord's name in vain as much as I want to goddamnit and it doesn't matter.

However, what does matter is what effect such statements have on me. Are you the kind of person that saying Jesus Fucking Christ makes you feel a certain way? If so, then you will think and therefore behave in a certain way. This behavioral pattern will take you on a certain path and this path effects and is effected by the universe. You are in some way in like with or against the flow of the universe.

What I'm getting at is that there is no finite rule here. It depends completely upon your perspective.

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